Years ago, in the middle of my wife’s last year of teaching in a central Minnesota school, I remember wishing that I could teach kids how to use computers. I realized though that the only way I could ever hope to do this was if I went back to school for several years. I also realized that going back to school was out of the question.
As I said, this was her last year of teaching at this specific school, but she did not have a new job yet. So as we were driving to interview at a couple of schools south of where we lived she got a call on her cell phone. The caller was the same lady who had come from South Dakota several weeks before and observed my wife teaching for a day. She wanted my wife to come to her state and teach in a specific city there. When I heard where it was I told my wife, “No way, I do want to live there! Absolutely not!” (This is the beginning of yet another story and is told here. This story shows how God keeps working on us until we are ready to follow Him completely.)
We continued our journey that day and my wife went to both interviews. She was offered a job during one of them, and so we began planning and eventually we moved further south.
After we arrived in our new city I went one day with my wife to her new school, and while she was working getting her classroom ready for school to start in the fall I wandered down the hall to the principal’s office. For some reason I told the principal that I would be willing to help him with spreadsheets if he needed help. He asked me if I knew computers and when I told him that I was mostly into the software side and knew MS Office fairly well he ask me if I would like to teach a computer class. I told him that I did not have a teaching certificate, but he asked if I had a college degree of any kind. I did and so he obtained a temporary teaching certificate for me. To make a long story short, I ended up teaching MS Office to high school kids for 2 years.
I was floored, God had made my dream of teaching a computer class come true! Had he answered the silent prayers of my wife, or did He give me the "desires of my heart", or both? Does He actually care about our deepest desires and dreams? Absolutely! What an awesome, loving God!