The only purpose of BibleTimelines.com is to help all people come to know the Lord better, and to love and trust Him more because the more we know of God the more we will love Him.
This website is not meant to be controversial. If you study your Bible more, love and trust the Lord more, then this site will have served its purpose.
There are 2 different forms below for you to use. One is requesting positive comments, the other is for other stuff.
Please tell us of any broken links, or pages that you think do not look like they are working correctly, or any grammar or spelling errors that you might find. (Errors have a way of taking our minds off of what is most important, therefore they need to be fixed as soon as possible, so please help us.)
And if you have other Bible related comments, questions or concerns, we would really like to hear them too. (If you have a question be sure to leave your contact information below so that we can reply to you.)
Here are a few of the comments received:
"I enjoy this resource and will recommend it to the webmaster of our church."
"Now I totally get it!"
"I have been a believer 40 years, been to Bible College, and there is a lot on your site I either did not know or had forgotten. THANKS for compiling it."
"I am just contacting you because I want to thank you and your ministry (thank you) for what you do and to tell you to keep doing it! I have been watching your videos and I love your posters, bookmarks and your timelines."
"Your website is very impressive."
"I’m very to happy to have found this website. It is very, very informative."
"Fantastic site! I'm a new Christian and it's helping me grow much closer to the Lord. I'm learning Biblical things I never learned in church." [Editor-Thank you for your kind words, but please do not stop going to church! Besides, other people want to know God better too, so when you go to church be sure to share what you have learned with them.]
"Thanks so much! I was not raised in the Lord. I love how this web site helps me teach my boys!"
"Great site! It's very uplifting to hear the explanation of God's Word in an upfront and beautiful way."
"Brilliant web site, thank you. It will be a great asset to my ministry as a pastor."
"Absolutely Fantastic!"
"Simply awesome ... just lifted me up and spoke right to my heart."
"I came across this website a couple of days ago while searching for a biblical definition of god's grace. I don't find reading the bible easy, even if I read a modern interpretation. This website has kept me interested, wanting more. Thank you!!"
"I have been doing a giant cut and paste of Jesus's life, using your Bible timeline. I'm a retired English teacher, trained in plot and characterization, but I have NEVER had such a strong sense of Jesus on this earth and what He was like. It's all because I'm getting a full picture of his life. When you see his experiences in chronological order, you see the context of his life and his reactions, strategies, relationships, enemies, character. It's like reading a biography but the Holy Spirit is writing it as you're reading it. Thank you so much for this site." [Editors note: Thanks for your kindness. Many of the timelines are ready to be printed at home in sections. Click here. ]
"I think your timeline website has got me more focused than any other source I can think of. I don't mean more than the Bible, of course. I mean that it's got me creating a big picture when I didn't even know I needed one. It's kind of like, like living your life eating snacks and then finding out you can eat meals."
"I recently discovered the Bible Time Lines website [BibleTimeLines.com]. They have all types of resources for you. One that stood out to me was their timeline of Holy Week. I found it clear, visually appealing and biblically supported. This would be a good resource for homeschoolers and Sunday school teachers, and it is free!" (Editors note: Thank you Pastor Nash, I understand that you are the author of Last Words: Seven Sayings From the Heart of Christ on the Cross? Both your book and your comment are very much appreciated.)
Send us a message!
Tell us how BibleTimeLines.com has affected your life:
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ !!!
Thank you for your kind words, they are very much appreciated! This website is dedicated to sharing the good news about who God is, and we like to think of it as HIS website. We are greatly blessed and praise God when we hear of ways and times that this website has been a blessing to you, so please continue to share those with us.
May you continue to be blessed as you share God's love, and this website, all around the world (literally).
The Editor

Please leave your other feedback here:
As stated before, please tell us of any broken links, or pages that you think do not look like they are working correctly, or any grammar or spelling errors that you might find. (Errors have a way of taking our minds off of what is most important, therefore they need to be fixed as soon as possible, so please help us.)
And if you have other Bible related comments, questions or concerns, we would really like to hear them too. (If you have a question, be sure to leave your email below so that we can reply to you.)