As I mentioned in another blog, my wife had gotten a call to teach in a totally different state than where we were currently living, and I was very opposed to us moving there.
Actually, it had all started about 3 years before. She was teaching in central Minnesota when a lady from South Dakota asked if she could come to Minnesota for a visit and watch my wife as she taught for a day. Things didn’t go real well that day as the teacher-aide, who was working with my wife, ended up unexpectedly leaving the school at noon. This was exactly the same time my wife and the visitor had planned on going out to eat so that they could visit in a quiet place. Now that could not happen. But the visit was a good one, over all.
Months later, my wife and I were traveling to a city just south of us where she was to interview for a couple of jobs. As we were driving she received a phone call from this same lady who then asked my wife to come to a certain city in South Dakota to teach. We had been to this city once before, and I had NO desire to live there, or anywhere in South Dakota for that matter. (Unknown to me my wife had received another call from this same lady a year or so later, and she had asked my wife once again to move to the same town in South Dakota and teach, but my wife turned that second call down too.)
After my wife had taught in our new location for two years she was contacted a third time by this same lady, and this time we were both ready. We figured that because the Lord was so persistent He must have a reason for us to move to South Dakota. So we made the move and were very happy, way beyond our expectations.
It is so amazing how God knows what makes us the happiest. Most of the time we understand the following verse to apply to His plans to take us to Heaven someday, and I’m sure that it does, but I also believe that He wants us to be happy right here and now.