The Book of Numbers
(A Journey of Faith and Redemption)

The book of Numbers might seem like a challenging read at first glance. It’s filled with censuses, laws, and stories about the Israelites wandering in the desert. But if you take a closer look, you’ll find that Numbers holds deep truths about God’s character, His faithfulness, and His plan of redemption through Jesus. It’s a book that teaches us about human weakness, the consequences of sin, and ultimately, God’s grace. In many ways, Numbers points directly to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, showing us how God provides for His people even in the midst of rebellion and hardship.
A Journey of Faith and Struggle
Numbers is all about the journey of the Israelites from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land. The Israelites, recently freed from slavery in Egypt, are now learning how to live as God’s chosen people. But their journey is filled with challenges. Over and over again, they fail to trust God. They complain about their hardships, doubt His promises, and even rebel against His leadership (Numbers 11:1, 14:2-4).
This struggle mirrors the human condition today. Like the Israelites, we often fail to trust God fully and find ourselves wandering spiritually, caught in sin and doubt. Yet, just as God remained faithful to the Israelites, guiding and providing for them despite their failings, He remains faithful to us. He sent Jesus to rescue us from the slavery of sin, just as He led the Israelites out of Egypt (John 8:34-36).
The Bronze Serpent: A Picture of Christ

One of the clearest foreshadowings of the Gospel in the book of Numbers is the story of the bronze serpent in Numbers 21:4-9. When the Israelites sinned by complaining against God, He sent venomous snakes among them, and many people died. But God also provided a way for them to be saved: He instructed Moses to make a bronze serpent and lift it up on a pole. Anyone who looked at the serpent would be healed and live.
This story points directly to Jesus. In John 3:14-15, Jesus Himself says, “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” Just as the Israelites were saved by looking in faith at the bronze serpent, we are saved by looking in faith at Jesus, who was lifted up on the cross for our sins. Through His sacrifice, we are healed from the deadly consequences of sin and given eternal life.
The Unfailing Faithfulness of God
Despite the Israelites’ constant rebellion, God’s faithfulness never wavers. He continues to guide them through the wilderness, providing food, water, and protection. When they doubt His ability to lead them into the Promised Land and refuse to enter it, God punishes their unbelief by making them wander for forty years (Numbers 14:34). Yet even in judgment, God is merciful—He doesn’t abandon them. Instead, He continues to guide and protect the next generation, ensuring that His promise to bring them to the land of Canaan is fulfilled.
This speaks to the Gospel message that God’s faithfulness and promises are sure. Even when we fail, God’s love for us remains steadfast. He has promised salvation through Jesus, and that promise will not be broken. “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). Just as He did with the Israelites, God leads us through the wilderness of life, guiding us toward the eternal “Promised Land” of His kingdom.
Leadership, Rebellion, and Grace
Numbers also shows us the importance of godly leadership and the dangers of rebellion. Throughout the book, we see how Moses faithfully leads the people, even in the face of opposition and rebellion (Numbers 16). Yet, there are times when even Moses falters, like when he strikes the rock in anger instead of speaking to it as God commanded (Numbers 20:10-12). As a result, Moses is not allowed to enter the Promised Land.
This teaches us that even the best human leaders are imperfect, and it points us to Jesus as the perfect leader. Jesus is the ultimate Prophet, Priest, and King who leads us in perfect righteousness, never failing to obey God’s will (Hebrews 4:15). In Him, we find the fulfillment of God’s plan to provide a leader who will bring His people into the true Promised Land of eternal life.
Lessons of Holiness and Atonement

In Numbers, we also learn about the holiness of God and the need for atonement for sin. The book is filled with laws about sacrifices and rituals, which remind the Israelites that sin separates them from God and requires a substitute. Every sacrifice in Numbers points to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, who would offer Himself as the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world (John 1:29).
One significant event is the Day of Atonement, described in Leviticus and referenced in Numbers. It’s a day when the high priest would offer a sacrifice to atone for the sins of the people, allowing them to be reconciled to God (Leviticus 16, Numbers 29:7-11). This points to Jesus, our High Priest, who entered the heavenly sanctuary to offer Himself as the final atonement for our sins (Hebrews 9:12). Through His sacrifice, we are made holy and can approach God with confidence.
The Gospel in Numbers: A Journey of Redemption
The book of Numbers teaches us many things about the nature of God, His faithfulness, and His plan to redeem humanity through Jesus. It shows us the human tendency to doubt and rebel, but it also reveals the heart of a loving and merciful God who remains committed to His people.
Numbers is a journey of faith, filled with lessons about trust, leadership, and God’s unwavering grace. It reminds us that, like the Israelites, we are on a journey through the wilderness of life, and it’s only by trusting in God’s promises and looking to Jesus that we can find our way to the true Promised Land.
As you read Numbers, you’ll see how God’s plan of redemption, begun with Israel, reaches its fulfillment in Christ. This book invites you to trust in God’s faithfulness, to see His hand at work in every circumstance, and to place your faith in the One who leads us out of sin and into eternal life.
Take the time to explore the book of Numbers for yourself. You’ll find it rich with lessons that point to the Gospel and reveal the heart of a God who never gives up on His people.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). Let this truth guide you as you read and reflect on the incredible journey of faith in Numbers.